Color trends SS 2012 - Tangerine Tango -

How to wear tangerine tango
The color is perfect for warmer skin tones. Tangerine tango is a great match for morenas, which is wonderful news for Filipinas or Latinas who would like to join the trend. Orange has always been quite a complementary color for warmer and darker tones, so those sporting a beach tan fully maximise the official colour for 2012.
It's possible to wear tangerine tango from head to foot, if you wish to. It's a bright and vibrant shade, so going completely orange is possible if your goal is to stop traffic. A bright summer dress in tangerine tango is perfect, but a head-to-toe ensemble might be more difficult to pull off, especially in a rather fashion conservative country like the Philippines.
Those who would like to follow the trend without looking like a ponkan should remember one thing: start small. Add a few hints of tangerine tango to your wardrobe, without going straight to a bright dress immediately. Start with accessories:
Topshop floppy fedora

This is particularly true if you're planning to add tangerine tango to your work wardrobe. You can't go all out shocking at work; it's going to be a little too distracting for your colleagues and bosses, which isn't something you want. Instead, wear neutrals and then add tangerine tango for that splash of brightness. Navy blue and cream are both great colour bases for showing off tangerine accessories.
Small pieces can look great even for the workplace. Add a sense of rebelliousness by spicing up your look with a pair of hot orange shoes.
The material used, however, plays a very important role. The problem with a colour as vibrant and powerful as tangerine tango, is the fact that using cheap materials will make the finished product look incredibly tacky. Those who would like to follow this year's colour trend would do well to be particular about the material used as well.
Tangerine tango for makeup
It's undoubtedly difficult to picture tangerine tango as your eye shadow, but one way to incorporate it into makeup is by among up your lipstick color. Étude House already set the tone last year, with its Miss Tangerine collection headlined by 2NE1 member and former Star Circle Quest finalist Dara Park.
Étude House Miss Tangerine collection (from Musings of a Muse)

In fact, orange can be used as eye shadow, especially for creamy and yellow-based skin tones. The exact tangerine tango shade, though, might not be very applicable.
Continuing with the bright lips trend, you could also check out orange shades from MAC Cosmetics' extensive collection of lipstick colors. Some shades to check out are Morange and Good to Go (from the Pro Longwear Lip Creme collection), if you think you can pull off the electric shade with aplomb.
The need for confidence
Nicki Minaj, Jennifer Lopez, Minka Kelly, Jennifer Hudson
Tangerine is the color of the 2012! The color authority Pantone named the bright hue as the year’s most wanted color, and celebrities like Nicki MinajJennifer LopezMinka Kellyand Jennifer Hudson are snapping up the shade to brighten up their wardrobes. See all the stars who wore tangerine this year—so far—in the gallery.


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