Beige Is The New Black

How to wear beige this spring.
What I'm wearing:
Blazer: H&M, Chino pants: H&M, Blouse: Temptation Boutique, Shoes: H&M, Accessories: Temptation Boutique, Scarf: H&M, Bag: Marni at H&M

Beige has always been a classic shade. This spring, looks on the runway stayed neutral with a clean palette of beige. At Christian Dior long flowing dresses in apricot beige stole the limelight. Miuccia Prada’s vanilla pleated skirts took a 1950s turn with fierce red bodies and fire heels.

 Jonathan Saunders continued to play with colours – pale blue with desert sand satin was right up his alley.  A contrast from the romantics, Riccardo Tisci had sexy suits with sharp tailored vests and fitted trousers in warm peachy beige for Givenchy.

My picks:
  1. There is something about maxi skirts that we fashionistas can’t get enough of. This Long Tulle Swiss Dot Skirt from Zara is perfect for spring.
  2. Turn heads with the uncannily modern combination of beige and silver – Kors by Michael Kors Atherton High-heel Leather Sandals 
  3. A perfect summer dress from Weekend by MaxMara Re Dress
  4. Platforms with a slight resemblance of flatforms are all the rage now –Pedder Red Leather Wedge Platform Pumps 
  5. Opt for an elegant twist with this Sportmax Osso Cape 
  6. Seen enough of PS1 satchels? Go for the Proenza Schouler PS1 Leather Tote 


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